Help End Prostitution in Scotland

Take part in the consultation to help change the law and end prostitution in Scotland.
You do not have to be based in Scotland to have a say.It is particularly important your expert voice is heard if you have experienced the sex trade or support those who have.

You can remain anonymous.

Tips for filling out the Consultation

  1. Download the Consultation here
  2. Go to p47
  3.  You can just tick boxes
  4.  If you want to write any answers please write them in word first and then copy and paste them into the relevant box
  5. Make sure to ask for anonymity if needed
 Que 1: Tick ‘Fully Supportive’ if you think it should be ILLEGAL to BUY sex
Que 2 & 3: Tick ‘Fully Supportive’ if you think NO ONE who SELLS/SOLD sex should be CRIMINALISED
Que 6 & 7: This refers to what will become a new offence – BUYING SEX
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