After Abuse
Our Taking Back Control course is for women who have experienced any form of abuse. We help you take back control of your mental health – giving you the life long tools to ‘stay on an even keel’ and manage panic attacks, triggers and even crises.
One of our course creators talks about the course, why it is needed and how it helps
We run a unique 6 week programme for women harmed in any branch of the porn or sex industries.
We help break your isolation & self blame and make sense of what happened to you in a safe, supportive environment with others with similar experiences. If you have been harmed in the sex trade or support those who do, drop us a line.
Domestic Abuse
Our ground breaking 6 week programme helps women start to recover after domestic violence. We help you process what happened to you, move away from self blame and anger and towards reclaiming your life.
If you have experienced domestic violence or support women who have, drop us a line.

Work with Us ..
We occasionally have voluntary or paid work opportunities. A great way to ease back into work in a safe, positive and supportive environment.
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