
Set up a Regular Donation & get a Tee

Set up a regular donation (of £3.50 or more/month) and we’ll send you one of our lovely Tees Or a book by a survivor.

Just drop us an email once it’s set up!

By Bank

Make an Electronic Transfer or set up a Standing Order with your bank using these details

Account Name:
Account No:
Sort Code:

You My Sister
659 709 39
08 92 99


By Paypal

How Donations Help

What Your Support Means

£10  3 months printing costs

£25  Zoom costs for a 6 week programme*

£50  1 woman attending 1 programme session*

£100  One-off self help workshop

£500 Bite sized employment for a survivor 


* Our programmes help survivors regain their mental health. Described as ‘life saving’ we have already supported over 30 women

How Else To Donate

Nominate Us

If you work for a company that donates to charities, why not nominate us for a grant?

We received £1000 from the Yorkshire Building Society  when one of their staff kindly nominated us. Drop us a line if you need any more info about us and our work.

Give As You Live, Shop, Earn

It doesn’t cost you anything to make You My Sister your chosen Charity when you shop with Easy Fundraising or Give as You Live. You can also make a one off donation or ask your employer to sign up to Payroll Giving

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